Allison Costello

Director, Implementation and Supports Branch, OHT Division (Live Q&A)


Allison is the Director of the Ontario Health Team Implementation and Supports Branch at the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Throughout her career at the MOH, Allison’s role has included:


  • Fostering high quality patient care across Ontario through the development and implementation of policies and programs that support the delivery of efficient, effective and more patient-centred care
  • Supporting quality improvement programs and embedding evidence into practice, and
  • Testing a range of innovative funding programs and health service delivery models that aim to improve patient outcomes and experience while ensuring health system sustainability


Allison is currently leading the implementation and support strategy for Ontario Health Teams which are a new way of organizing and delivering services focused on patients and strengthening local needs.

All Sessions by Allison Costello

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Day 1: Fall 2020

12:10 pm

12:10 pm

How Integrated Care Teams Are Revolutionizing Health Care

A new era of healthcare is on the horizon with the introduction of Ontario Health, aka the Super Agency, as well as Ontario Health Teams. Better understand the province’s plans and goals to guide your future strategy. Get insights on:

  • Empowering care providers to work as connected teams
  • Connecting patients to the care they need
  • Easing transitions across the continuum of care

Get off to the best possible start by better understanding the future of health in the province.

Day 2: Fall 2020

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