Henry has been the Chief Administrative Officer of the Kenora District Services Board (KDSB) since November 2014. Henry started his Public Sector career in Northern Ontario nearly ten years ago. Prior to joining the KDSB, Henry worked as the Treasurer for the Municipality of Sioux Lookout for nearly seven and half years. Henry is focused and has worked hard to bringing stability to the delivery of Housing, Human Services and Emergency Services in the Kenora District.
During his term, KDSB has become a fully integrated organization that is focused on providing full wrap around services and supports for families; the organization has grown from being a Service Manager and housing provider of safe affordable housing to administrating Emergency Homeless Shelters, and developing Supportive and Transitional housing.
Henry’s leadership philosophy is simple: with strong vision, collective-forward thinking and engaged employees, any organization can achieve great things.
Day 1: Fall 2020
Day 2: Fall 2020
1:30 pm
1:30 pm
How to Develop an Integrated Care Program For Rural, Indigenous and Remote Communities
KDSB is the largest geographical OHT in Ontario, and the only one that is also Indigenous lead and addresses treaty rights. Meet your accessibility challenges through innovative team structures, communication and engagement. Gain vivid insight into how you can:
Create a new health deliver model from the ground up through engagement
Build trust among your partners through honest and empathetic dialogue
Incorporate all aspect of health, including traditional, first nations and mental health care
Realize new possibilities through innovative approaches to care delivery in rural and remote areas