Agenda - Day 2

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11:00 am

11:00 am


Enter Networking Lounge, Connect with Your Industry Colleagues

  • Get a good start on the day and make connections with industry leadership
  • Join “drop-in” roundtables on most topical issues
  • Schedule 1-2-1 video meetings with peers
  • Gather essential content at virtual exhibit booths

12:00 pm

12:00 pm

Setting Today’s Plan from your Host

Gather your learning take-aways and key highlights of this event to map the current situation and help in achieving success from today’s event.

12:10 pm

12:10 pm

Woodgreen Community Services and Michael Garron Hospital Community Care Strategies That Lead to Successful Patient Outcomes

Successful integrated care models require partnerships that incorporate transitions to home care. Review some of the elements that have worked, and how to successfully model your own integrated care strategies. Create an action plan that:

  • Develops OHTs that address priority populations
  • Creates an horizontal health system, and how to address its challenges
  • Allows teams to work together and build on their successes

Assess the strategies and opportunities for community care through neighborhood care teams

12:30 pm

12:30 pm

Team Solutions Panel

Overcoming Challenges to Establish a Truly Integrated Care Model Across the Continuum of Care

Coordinating an integrated care program that incorporates primary care, specialist, nursing and home care can be a challenge to even the nimblest organization. However, there are solutions to overcome your biggest challenges. Join the discussion as our panel of experienced practitioners discuss how you can overcome the most likely challenges. Take away vital lessons in how to:

  • Redesign care at the front line to improve the delivery of essential services
  • Work with the resources you have to initiate and sustain change
  • Move patients through system with more efficiency, empathy, and improved communication
  • Optimizing the patient experience within your established system

Address the challenges and realities of a wide-scale integrated care model roll out.


1:00 pm

1:00 pm


Build Relationships, Network and Experience Unparalleled Peer-to-Peer Learning

Expand your network and engage in-depth learning with your peers. Take advantage of any format to further build your knowledge and networking base:

  • “Drop-in” virtual Roundtable chats with up to 15 fellow delegates
  • Cozy 3-4 person discussion
  • Engage in 1:1 video conversation with peers or vendors
  • Vendor solution roundtables

1:30 pm

1:30 pm


How to Develop an Integrated Care Program For Rural, Indigenous and Remote Communities

KDSB is the largest geographical OHT in Ontario, and the only one that is also Indigenous lead and addresses treaty rights. Meet your accessibility challenges through innovative team structures, communication and engagement. Gain vivid insight into how you can:

Create a new health deliver model from the ground up through engagement

Build trust among your partners through honest and empathetic dialogue

Incorporate all aspect of health, including traditional, first nations and mental health care

Realize new possibilities through innovative approaches to care delivery in rural and remote areas

2:00 pm

2:00 pm


Innovations in Co Creation and Community First Integrated Care

Integration requires a collaborative approach, which includes providers, patients, suppliers and other stakeholders. Improve your ability to apply theory into practice and effectively to transform your patients’ experience and outcomes. Create an action plan to:

  • Think like a patient and provide innovative journey mapping strategies
  • Ensure everyone has a voice, especially patients and caregivers
  • Implement system navigators into your integrated care program
  • Brainstorm on design thinking, and begin with the community

Innovate from the start by basing change on collaboration

2:30 pm

2:30 pm


Improving Patient Experience Through Journey Mapping

One of the core aims of integration is to improve the patient experience by enabling them to more easily navigate the health system and transition between providers. Empower patients and improve their experience. Source insights to:

  • Better understand how patients experience care
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your integration efforts
  • Determine whether a navigator role is the right fit for your organization

Optimize your patients’ journeys through the system to save money and improve experience.

3:00 pm

3:00 pm

Fireside Chat: Fraser Health

Lessons Learned on the Integrated Care Journey from the BC Perspective

There is no one size fits all for designing your OHT, which means most teams are working on systems that work best for their limited resources. To build community capacity and improve patient outcomes, Fraser Health is incorporating an inclusive Integrated Care model. Take away practical insights into:

  • How the integrated care model is taking hold in BC
  • The importance of good governance, inclusion, and communications
  • How to involve more community services into your teams

Assess the success of the integrated care model in BC

3:30 pm

3:30 pm

Developing Effective and Efficient Data Sharing Strategies in an Integrated Care Setting

With increasing use of digital health and integrated care, the need to share patient information across the continuum of care has become a priority. Learn how you can protect patient privacy while simultaneously sharing essential information among your teams. Gain a greater understanding of how to:

  • Instill a culture of vigilance when sharing patient information
  • Assess various cyber threats from insiders to malicious actors
  • Create data sharing agreements that put the patient – and security – first

Build privacy considerations into the foundation of your data sharing strategy.

4:00 pm

4:00 pm

Key Take-Aways and Summary of Day Two from your Host

Hear the key solutions and take-aways from today’s sessions. Source a summary of actions points for you to implement. Learn about the key highlights and content for tomorrow’s workshop.

4:10 pm

4:10 pm

Conference Adjourns

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